Sketch Practice

The next theme for Creative Tuesdays is up and has found me exploring the imagery from The Wizard of Oz. Like many people this film was a staple of my childhood at Christmas. My sister and I would be allowed to pick some chocolate from our selection box and watch the film every year. It wasn't until I started thinking about it and making some notes that I realised just how much of an emotional rollercoaster that film was to me as a child! 

Anyway I decided to start with drawing a lion. I have always stayed away from drawing animals as it is so very hard, but recent efforts with a barn owl and raven silhouette have given me the courage, (that's C-ourage) to have a go and I am not too disappointed with my first efforts. I am going to try again now with some colour and see what I can produce. I may even try a body rather than just a head!


  1. Anonymous8:44 am

    not at all easy!

  2. These are very good! I can barely draw a stick figure :)

  3. Thank you Martha, I have been practising a lot!

  4. great sketches I think, the best one is the third, IMO :)

    1. Thank you :0) I think the last one looks like Charles Dance!

  5. I'm not good at drawing.

    I think these are good, am I allowed to pick a favourite?
    I pick your first one...

    All the best Jan

    1. Of course you can and thank you :0)


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