Camera Critters # 1

I have decided to join Camera Critters for a few reasons: it is a great way to view brilliant wildlife shots and stories from around the world, I have two beautiful pups that I love to talk about, and I like being out and capturing the wonders of our wildlife on film.

I have taken less wildlife shots in the past year due to the arrival of the pups. When I am out and about they have my full attention and any other wildlife that is about is usually warned off by their barking and scent way before I get in camera range.

That is however no excuse and I am keen to return to my previous levels of photography trips, and look forward to sharing my shots via this meme. For now though, here are the pups.

I have taken many, many pictures of the pups over the past few days. The main problem I have is that they move so bloomin' fast my shots usually blur like this:
Their coats seem to lend themselves to the blurred image style but I occasionally get a shot like this:

To join in or see other participants in Camera Critters click on the post title, or here!


  1. I like the motion shot!!

    they're magnificent dogs!

  2. Hello! Thank you. They find it hard to stay still!

  3. Great pictures of beautiful dogs!

  4. Looks like you'll be busy by the movement in these images.I too joined this neme for the wildlife shots of creatures you just don't get here.

  5. What beautiful dogs you have!

  6. Those are 2 gourgous pups. I love the deep colors.
    Smiles B

  7. Anonymous12:48 am

    Beautiful pups! Come by and say hello to mine ...

  8. Sweet little babies ;o)
    We sure miss our Mandy Girl and now that Tuffy the cat has taken over, we doubt he'd "allow" one, or he'd be heartbroken.
    We live 4 miles from Leader Dogs in Rochester, MI and all my life I've seen dogs like yours and other large dogs training on our downtown streets.
    Have wonderful canine fun!
    SisSTAR xo

  9. Hey Lady Banana, yeah pups is more of an affectionate term...well at least I hope they won't grow anymore!

    Hey Kyle! Big pat to Tuffy from me!


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