Camera Critters # 2 - Pigs

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  1. unusual picture - enjoyed it Sandy

  2. Anonymous8:34 pm

    I love pigs! We used to raise pigs long ago. They are such cool critters and very smart! They are also very friendly, like dogs, if you raise them right.

    I'll tell you, that big pig in the photo better be friendly cause he could take your hand right off if he wanted to.

    Great capture! Love the 3 little pigs too ;-)

  3. Take care...he may bite? Yeah! He may just climb out and chase you too! I LOVE it! ")

  4. Is this the pig ( big one) from Beamish.
    What a great day it was.
    Lovely post 'Pigs in Space'

  5. Hey guys thanks for all of your comments!

    Bowledover it is the pig from Beamish.

    The three little pigs below adorn my bathroom wall, I display them in the way that flying ducks go across a wall. They attach by rubber suckers. I love them dearly!

  6. Squeal Piggy comes to mind.

  7. Babooshka, I have dueling banjos in my head now! I may have to go search for that clip on You Tube!


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