Under Ice


  1. This looks a lot like the "floaters" in my vision when I look up at a blue sky!! For real, Budette!
    (so glad you're having some "snow fun"! don't you get much there?)
    Our state motto is: Winter Wonderland! Truly! It has to wear mittens all year long - tee hee!

  2. Anonymous4:12 pm

    If you had not said under ice I would have thought of the pups foot prints in snow.

  3. Hey Babooshka, I liked it. Hope you are well, do you have snow?

    Hey Kyle. We used to get snow every year in the UK but not regularly for about 15-20 years now, dependent on whether you live in the north or the south. So any snow really messes things up and we are just not prepared.

    Hey Bowledover, thankfully they have not decided to try to venture onto the ice yet. I don't fancy going in after them!!


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