Pretty in Pink?

Well there you go; turns out pink is not the colour for me after all! My apologies to regular visitors who find my constant alteration to the blog template and colours annoying, I will try and stay with this for a while but I know it is still not quite right!

Its going to be another scorcher here and is warming up already. The dogs are having short walks now and due to Buddy's current foot injury cannot go in the river. Well Roxy could but its not fair to let her in and keep him out and if we do the river walk they need to cool off so we are keeping to shorter walks closer to home where we can keep Buddy on a lead while his foot heals.

He stood on something last Thursday and the wound, although looking healthy, is slow to heal. It does not help that he is naturally such an active dog who runs everywhere and the not running everywhere is getting to him I know.

Well for now at least they are rested and having an early morning kip after their breakfast. It really is a dogs life!


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